Scrabble Word Finder
Word Finder for Scrabble
About Scrabble Word Finder
With our Scrabble Word Finder, be the best Scrabble player you can be! Simply input the letters you receive and we will do the rest!
Whether you’re playing Scrabble with your loved ones on Game Night, or Words with Friends with your buddies, our word finder is here to help! Our Scrabble Word Finder unscrambles your letters and searches our dictionary for words. Simply key in the letters you have and we will give you the words! Words that are not allowed in Scrabble are foreign words not found in official English language dictionaries, hyphenated words, words with apostrophe, words that are always capitalized, abbreviations, suffixes and prefixes.
To check whether a word is valid or allowed, there is an official Scrabble dictionary by Merriam-Webster, available online or in print. You can also check your word against the official Hasbro Scrabble Dictionary.
Nail every Scrabble game by knowing the scoring system well! Q and Z are the highest-point letters at 10 points each. Up next are J and X at 8 points each, followed by K at 5 points. F, H, V, W and Y at 4 points, B, C, M and P at 3 points, D and G at 2 points. And the rest of the letters, A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T and R at 1 point each. Scrabble experts usually score between 330 – 450 points each game, and that’s under the condition of 25 minutes per game. If you’re up for a challenge, try to score 30 or more points in each turn, and you’re definitely a Scrabble expert!
Use our word finder not just for Scrabble, also for other word games such as Word With Friends, Jumble Words, Anagrammer, Wordscraper and more. Look no further, this is the only secret weapon you need! You won’t have to be stuck thinking of words to form, use some help and hints from us and move forward.
We provide the useful tools when you’re writing your content. Check out our Word Counter Tool, Character Counter Tool, Pomodoro Timer and Mind Map Tool.
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FAQ on Scrabble Word Finder
Q: What is Scrabble Word Finder?
A: Our Scrabble Word Finder helps you to form words from the letters you have during your Scrabble game. Now you won’t be stuck thinking of words to form and holding everyone up!
Q: How to use the Scrabble Word Finder?
A: Key in the letters you have (without spaces) into the input area and press ‘Submit’, we will provide you with the words you can form with these letters.
Q: How do I know if my word is allowed in Scrabble?
A: To check whether a word is valid or allowed, there is an official Scrabble dictionary by Merriam-Webster, available online or in print. You can also check your word against the official Hasbro Scrabble Dictionary.